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The Restore Your Creative Soul program

with Heather Bradbury

Susan is in our current program, and had never painted before!


"The course has helped me have a deeper sense of who
I am. It has allowed me to feed my soul, my happy juice. It’s been life changing". 

"It is really nuturing me, I am so greatful for what you have put together Heather. The reflections have been spot on, and I have received many unexpected gifts.
Its been amazing. Thank you."

Margaret had never painted before - now it has brought healing...


At the beginning of Covid-19 Margaret found it difficult to find the motivation to keep painting, even though she loved it so much.


Margaret shares here how the Restore Your Creative Soul program helped her get back on track and start the healing journey of painting again.

Vanessa found healing 

and her whole family has benefitted too!

"Since joining the online classes and following the program I am much more relaxed as well as being addicted to how much I am loving painting. I just can’t
get enough of it! I am loving it!"

"Getting really deeply into it and exploring myself and my own emotions has been really good for me and my healing. My whole family has seen how it has brought out the
joy in me. They are all enjoying the process."

- Vanessa

Kay never thought she was creative but now feels so relaxed & capable!


"Joining the class and learning to paint has been very relaxing and makes you feel as if you are a capable person! It makes you feel like: “I can do this”! It's very good for you actually.  I always thought it was too late, but it's never too late."

"I have had a lot of creative friends and never thought I was as creative as my friends, I have never painted, but its been great! It is just so exciting when something comes to life, and it looks like its meant to look!”

- Kay

Find connections with others & have support along the way

We all need connection, especially during difficult times.  Having an online community can help us stay connected, no matter what is happening around us!

Join the growing community, find new friends and
get the encouragement you need to keep going!

"I am very happy with my first attempt with oils.

I like the themes that you brought forward - nature-inspired with leaves and with animals. It is refreshing and very nice to work with the oils." 

"It definitely is really helpful. For example; at work I have issues with workmates and after the day is finished I have nasty thoughts and I struggle to let go and then when I paint I forget about all that, and it helps me to get out of the cycle of negative self-talk. Then, when I am finished I can enjoy my day - it breaks the circuit of the negativity - so helpful."

- Sonia

"I am finding I am growing more because it is not just about a painting journey for me, it's about communicating with others. It's a well-being journey, so I feel like I am growing in more ways than just my painting journey. I am feeling like I am growing more creatively as well. I am going to purchase a special bike, this is a massive thing for me because people in wheelchairs don’t get out to go bike riding." 

"All of this has helped me want to connect with nature more and my mind has relaxed more - it has been a huge step for me and opened a lot of doors."

- Kylie

"This painting technique teaches you that when there is a challenge it can always be overcome. Even if you just walk away for a little bit you can come back to it and fix it, it is not something that has to hang over your head forever, it's a great feeling."


"Even by the end of the day I feel good that I have achieved what
I have achieved, and by the end of the painting I just feel like the best feeling ever. It takes me to a place where I don’t have to worry about anything - I am in that zone, my dogs are snoring behind me, and sometimes it's the only place I want to be -
it's great, really great!"

- Tracey

This video is of a group of people who did a workshop in May 2021. The image they painted is the first painting course in the series of 24 that you will get when you purchase this mega-course bundle! You will have the full tutorial to enjoy as well!

Take a listen to how they found the class. This is the vibe we
will continue to enjoy online if you want to join us!

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