Kapi Kuka means Water & Meat in Pitjantjatjara language. At Kapi we hope that we can provide ways where artists can find refreshment (water) and get their fill. (meat)
Our Artist in Residency program offers artists near by but particularly artists who dont live in the area to come and experience what Kapi does and at the same time have time to create and develop your own art.
It might be writing a screen play, a book, painting or drawing or the likes. We dont have space for dance or performance, but we do offer a desk and beautiful areas to plan and reflect and work.
For those needing a place to paint, we have a space. If you want to read or write, we have spaces for that also.
We offer beautiful accomodation, a short 8 minute drive from the gallery in Kalorama in the Dandenong Ranges. You have access to a queen bed in your own private bedroom with views of the birds and ferns just out the window.
You also have access to a shared kitchen dining room, deck area and also a private beautiful fenced pool and sitting area. There are rain forest walks near by and a supermarket just a 3 minute walk away!
We offer three types of Residency. for as little as 2 days, a week or up to a month at a time.
1. Retreat, Rest & Restore
Take the opportunity to rest in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges and hide away in your own space right near beautiful walks, Mountain spas, eclectic shops, while still having a connection with a supportive community. (which can be as much or as little as you choose) Your time is yours and you do whatever you need while you are here.
2. Reboot, Renew & Refresh
If you want to add in a bit of community connection to your residency. you can choose to also attend a number of different happenings at the Gallery space, it may be painting classes, talking to people in the gallery space, a market, a community meal, or just offering to do some jobs around the gallery and studio.
3. Rest, Reward & Renew
Along with taking time to produce your art, plan or rest during your residency you can also offer your skills in return for cheeper fees for your stay. If you have skills in teaching art, graphic design, video editing, administration, or practical work like painting, building etc. you can talk to us about how this can work. You will get 50% off your total fee.
Please note every Artist Residency is different and before the team at Kapi approve your stay we like to meet with you and find out exactly what you are wanting to achieve while you are here, and how we can make your time with us the best it can!
For options 1 & 2 the fees are standard. For option 3, (Offering your skills for a percentage of your time) there is a discount of 50% off total fee for your full stay.
Fees include: Queen bedroom. All linen supplied. Access to kitchen, (including your own space in a fridge) lounge, laundry and pool. Most meals are not provided, but there will be occasion where you will be invited, if you wish, to enjoy some meals with your hosts free.
Contact us below for more details on fees and timing that might suit you.